How do I sync Google Contacts with my iPhone using CardDAV?

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Depending on version of IOS do the following
    1. Version 11.0.2 or above: Tap Accounts & Passwords
    2. Below version 11.0.2: Tap Contacts
  3. Tap Add Account.
  4. Tap Other.
  5. Tap Add CardDAV Account under the Other section.
  6. Enter the info for your account:
    1. Server Address:
    2. User Name: eg: your
    3. Password: Enter your email password (if you have 2 step verification turned on you will need to create an App password (see here)).
    4. Description: Give it a name so it's easy to recognize.
      1. Example: Work Contacts
  7. Tap Next in the upper right corner and your iPhone or iPad will verify the account.
  8. If everything looks right, just tap Done and that's it.